I did not know this kinda depression can get so bad until I have started to work in the lab five years ago. When S.A.D struck, one is often tired, hungry and irritated at times and with such sensitive feelings that can easily resulted in tears. Even men in the lab are not immune to this.

This year, Vancouver finally reverted back to its typical winter weather, rainy and not so cold. Past 2-3 years, we had unusal weather where most of the days were blessed with sunshine. We started to take that for granted even though it meant poor snowfall on the ski resort and daught in the summer. However, this year, we had so much rain that we broke the record rain fall in a month. And we were one day short to break the old record of 28 days straight with rain.

Can you imagine not seeing sun for almost a month? Also the fact that day does not start until 8am and ended early at 4pm can undoubtly make people depressed. One day last week, it was not only rainy but also windy. My coworker's umbrella got blown inside out by the strong wind. He was so frustrated with the weather, he angrily stuffed the big, expensive umbrella into garbage can without looking back.

People in the lab tend to cry very easily and moody too. I can't even begin to count how many dramatic conflicts had gone down the past couple of monthes. Studies have shown how sunlight can regulate some biological molecules in our bodies to affect our mood. Personally, I am so depreesed that
that I am not motivated to lift my arm to  take some photos to show how it's like to have dark sky outside ALL the time but I am just too depressed to do so. Plus it's an ugly sight too. Although people on the East of Canada say that we are quite blessed not to have extremly cold weather (-30~40oC) and snow storm, I don't know if having grey sky everyday can be considered a good thing either.

Anyway, when the sun returns to us, I will take a picture of my new dyed hair to upload it.

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