這一個系列的電視節目基本上就是像「美國偶像American Idol」,不過是選會跳舞的人材,英文名為 「So you think you can dance」,今年是第三年了,以前從來沒在看,一直很不解為啥一些朋友、同事都瘋狂的迷戀這個節目,如果不能準時收看,一定會在youtube上再三回味,在因緣巧合下我們看到某一集的表演後,連不太看電視的阿湯哥都超迷這個節目的。
基本上製作單位會在美國各大城市選出各個好手後,會把一大群人送到LAS VEGAS進行最後篩選,節目就在只勝下20名舞者後一週週的出題目考驗他們的舞技,所有人的舞蹈訓練都會不太一樣,每一週他們都會抽籤選一種舞蹈,然後男女搭襠把它練起來表演,所以有時候他們是會跳街舞,有時是選到現代舞或是Hip-Hop等等,看這些厲害的舞者配著不同的音樂,做不同的演譯,節目異常精彩,有時候那個配的舞步跟他們放的情感,透過電視都還能感受的到呢,這是第一次我對跳舞有這種感動。(內有影音)
目前分類:[Entertainment]電視兒童 (17)
- Oct 10 Fri 2008 09:27
【電視兒童】舞林争霸第三季: Mercy
- Jun 02 Mon 2008 15:20
- Jan 26 Sat 2008 14:46
【電影賞析】北美的外派文化-『Outsourced 』
這是最近三個月來唯一想看、也看了的一部電影,這是一部諷刺現實的輕鬆喜劇,非常值得推薦。背景是在描述近年來北美的公司為了要節省人事費用,紛紛把許多 工作外派(outsource)的人工便宜很多的印度,故事主角也是被取代的一員,更倒楣的是他還得親自去印度訓練要取代他的人,故事就在他下飛機到人生 地不熟的印度展開。(警告: 以下有關於少許電影內容的地雷...)
- Jan 12 Sat 2008 07:34
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 23:35
【音樂分享】Love and Happiness
這是在看現在超愛 在FOX 撥出的 [House] 影集中聽到的。 雖然這首歌的詞是談情說愛的,可是不知道是不是因為看到[house]的那一集的配樂,讓我總覺得這首歌聽起來是有點無奈的,有點像國小唸的課本寫的"甜蜜的負擔"的感覺。跟大家分享:Love and Happiness by Al Green (原主唱)
- May 11 Fri 2007 09:20
【電影】Thank you for smoking
- Mar 07 Wed 2007 09:09
前幾天在別處讀到澳洲英文比印度腔英文還要難懂,突然就想到這個很有趣的加拿大印度裔stand-up comedian,Russel Peters。兩年前的夏天,實驗室的一個同學偶然間拿來給大家欣賞,剛開始我還不知道為什麼大家圍在電腦前起笑,然後沒事就會互說 "Somebody's gonna getta hurt",在也看了這段影片後,才了解。從此之後,我們常互相用他裡面的橋段開玩笑,例如說實驗室裡,一個名叫Anthony的老外朋友常笑說,他也有個中文名字,anothony! 最好笑的是,這個comedian學的印度英文或是港式英文都有夠像的,我們常沒事就會放他的這段影片(點進欣賞)當背景音樂似的,邊做實驗邊笑一下來放鬆。
- Nov 03 Fri 2006 15:33
【電玩】Can not wait to get my hands on these !!!
最近忙的焦頭爛額,但是我還是有不時在注意ps2新遊戲推出的消息。雖然現在還不能買來玩,要不然會玩到廢寢忘食的沒辦法工作了,就像去年夏天的【惡靈古堡4 & Me:1 The consequence is deadly!】。目前只好暫時看著圖片,逛逛網站,寫寫我的wish list, 過一過乾癮啦。
十月初,在Game Spot看到這款新遊戲,Okami。一眼看上去,這個遊戲單單在美術畫面的設計就已經抓住我的心。在一片3D熱潮裡,它是由傳統日本毛筆畫方式呈現,在遊戲控制上,玩家可以用毛筆畫出不同的咒術來攻擊敵人,超級創新的玩法加美麗的畫面,It's the number one game on my "To-Buy" list.
- Nov 01 Wed 2006 15:01
【影展】精彩的2006 VAFF 在今天開幕
- Oct 03 Tue 2006 03:37
- Apr 08 Sat 2006 15:26
- Mar 31 Fri 2006 02:56
【電影】Good night, Good Luck!
This is a rather serious movie concerning the role of media. It happend in the 50's where a politian's anti-communist measure stirred up quite a storm. The anchor of CBS newstation taked on issue.
This movie began with the anchor talking about television broadcast should bear a more meaningful role rather than just entertaining audience. Instead of a more neutral stand, this anchor used "excerpts from McCarthy's own speeches and proclamations to criticize the senator and point out episodes where he had contradicted himself. The anchor knew full well that he was using the medium of television to attack a single man and expose him to nationwide scrutiny, and he was often quoted as having doubts about the method he used for this news report."
- Jan 17 Tue 2006 15:09
【觀後感】狂喜! 李安:斷背山勇奪多像金球獎
- Jan 10 Tue 2006 15:08
【電影】Love is a force of nature: Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback moutain is easily the best movie I have seen this year. (sorry Harry potter, you will be the second best in my heart now...)
I don't want to spoil the fun for anyone who wants to see the movie later. So I will just briefly mention the story without going into great detail. It's about two cowboys attending sheeps during one summer as their job. Up on the Brokeback mountain, two strangers opened themselves up to each other and however unwilling to admit it, they fell in love to each other. At the end of the summer, they had no choice but to go their separate way to their own lives. It's not until some years later, they found each other again and realized what they had that one summer was amazing bond. Back then homosexuality was even less accepted, so they had to suppress their feelings toward each other and can only met once in a while.
- Nov 21 Mon 2005 13:01
【電影】Harry potter and the goblet of fire (完成版)
Attention! IF you plan to watch the movie and have not done so yet, don’t read this. There might be some spoilers in the article.
- Oct 19 Wed 2005 15:53
【影展】我看國際影展: Citizen Dog
Last Friday was the last day of Vancouver international film festival. A coworker gave me two free tickets for any movie at the festival. Because of time factor, we chose the very last movie, Citizen Dog. It’s a movie made in Thailand.
整部電影得色彩鮮艷得很不真實 更加突顯