(picture from 豆子)
It's almost 1year since our travel to Spain, almost 2 years since Sunpeak Snowboarding trip in Canada and 3years since we went to London together. Time sure flys by like nobody's business(British Expression) Part of my (and Kid's) new year resolution is to keep up this GREAT tradition.
Sunpeak ski resort with Kid, Head, Tom and me. The year followed 2002, Kid and Head actually agreed to come visit me. I still can't believe they would actually come and have fun with in the cold winter in BC Canada 2003. (感動中~) -->
For this year's annual reunion travel, I am thinking East coast of North America. Because my brother will graduate from his school at Tornoto(cananda) in June, I would like to attend his ceremony. And mayber aroun d that time, we can take the oppurtunity to take a tour around the East coast.
Personally, I only travelled to cities like, LA, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Vancouver on the Pacific Ocean side. Having a chance to see Atlantic cities will be a great change. We can visit many friends studying in East of USA (eg. Baltimore, NYC etc.) or we can join together and look at some Canadian maritime provinces eg, Prince Edward Island, where the story of Anne of Green Gables(清秀佳人) originated.
Any takers?^_^ Waiting, like in the picture, to hear from you
Please leave as many messages as to what you would suggest
waiting to go to Sevilla at Granada Bus station in Spain.2005 It seemed like yesterday that it was so very hot and humid.