在台灣文化節後,我不甘落幕後的寂寞,又緊接著報名去VAFF當義工。(VAFF= Vancouver Asian Film Festival)


NOV 2是OPENING NIGHT,The program is spectacular.

星期五有Live comedy performance in the theater too.

剛剛看到在星期六有撥電影版的電車男耶,我要去看! ^__^Y

For those of you who are in Vancouver, should try to go see it. It's a whole new experience tfrom the typical Hollywood, super-commercialized movies.

And I shall be there to greet you

For more detail on the programs, please click VAFF

【更新! Nov7, 2006】

I think this year is a huge success. Almost every night when I was on shift, I can see the show being almost full house. On the night of "電車男=train man", there were almost no seats left, even on the balcony or at the front rows!. The closing night gala, despite the fact that it was raining cats and dogs and it was a Sunday night, the ticket sale was so busy that the four of us volunteers wished we had extra arms coming out of our back.

This year's opening night movie, "The Journey of the fall" was a very touching movie about Vietname's re-education camp after Saigon fell under communism. The movie told the story of people suffering the poor condition in the camp with very little food and how the human lives were next to nothing and were used to clear un-exploded landmines. It also told the story how the family were refugee on boats trying to flee to America trying to move on to a new life despite this huge scar. This is the first time I have ever heard of the existence of such political prison. In the audience , there were family of the survivors of such camps. Some of them even drove up north from Seattle to see this movie. The director, although not hugely famous, did a wonderful job filming. The actors in the movie, only two of them are professional actors, told a heart-wrenching story. Many of us wept with the characters on the screen.

The "train man", the movie version, I think is better than the TV drama. It was funnier and the guy was cuter. The audience can appreciate the story to laugh along even when it was told in Japanese language and background. I even saw my classmate from my Japanese class.

"Red door" told a story about a retired father can no longer find his place with his family and 3 estranged daughters. It somehow struck a cord in my heart...

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the movies in the festival this year. I think some people would agree the festival was a success since I saw quite a few of them in the theater throughout the whole 4-day span. Despite the movies, I also met some wonderful volunteers. Quite a few of them are language exchange students. I absolutely adored their courage to come to help out when they are new to the city and new to the language. It's a very interesting and fun experience.


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