
Last Saturday,Tom and I finally found the legendary 珍珠小火鍋

自從去年在台灣 在小朋友家附近 獻出我的第一次 我就 fall in love with 涮涮鍋
Besides the fact that day was a special day (second presedential election for 陳水扁) and with special crowd (my best friends),the taste and the DIY style of eating made that experience memorable.

Ever since then, I have been looking for a store here to repeat such a wonderful experience back in Vancouver.

I had heard on the commerical about this place 珍珠小火鍋 for several years now. And ever since I know they specially sell 涮涮鍋, I drove around the area so many times trying to find it. But much like our experience in Paris’s subway system*, I just can’t find the store even though I know it is around there for sure. @#!%!#

(*題外話*: 小朋友 跟我每天都嘗試要從我們進Subway 的入口出去可是因為它門實在有太多出入口我們一直到最後一天才找對 那時候 我們認為那裡有一個異次元空間ㄋ)

Anyway, finally last saturday, we found the place. Even though it was $20 CDN per person. The meal was as good as I remembered and Tom enjoyed it too. ^____^ We shall revisit the place soon again.

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