
自從老媽在去年底的 garage sale 買到 scrable 後
繼sudoku 全家就又瘋狂的迷上這個益智遊戲

吃完晚飯 我們就圍在tv 前 開始鬥智

The goal of the game is to collect as much points by making words on the board with the 7 given letters. Each letter is assigned with points. Some with more, the other with less. By assembling a word on the board, one will end up with certain points. The other players can only continue making words utilizing the letter(s) from the existing words. Certain areas on the board can double or triple the points of the letter(s) or even the whole word.

雖然這樣子 廝殺 會傷感情 因為大家都想贏
但是比起麻將 我們自從我弟去 toronto 後三缺一
至少我們有學一些english vocabulary while watching tv ^_^

ps 我們下一次真的要找機會 試試頭的高級大富翁 別丟掉喔

ps. 豆子 借用一下你的照片ㄛ

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