
記得是在Canada Day celebration 到 Granvile Island,剛抵達時我們有經過這個不起眼的小攤販right by the False Creek(不知道要如何定位,姑且叫它攤販吧),在馬路旁只有放了一個小牌子,但是吸引我們注意力的是,在炎熱的夏日下,這個搭著鐵皮的店,卻排了一長串揮汗如雨的客人,回家時,挨不過我的要求,阿湯決定要試吃看看,到底這家賣Fish and Chips 這種簡單料理的店,為什麼有這麼多人不怕曬的站在那裡耐心的等待。

在將近30度的午後,排了一個多小時的隊,我們終於拿到我們的食物了。果然是值得的。For the beginner,  the coleslaw dressing was an suprisingly few good examples of Asian fusion. It substituted huge parts of mayonnaise with a light touch of seasame oil that added extra zest and brought the much welcomed lighter taste in the hot summer days. Thomas was adventurous to try out the never-heard-of oyster burger, which turned out to be another great find. Although the big, fat, juicy oyster was merely seared on the surface, it mingled with their special seasoning really well. After one bite of his burger for a taste, I almost grabbed for my own. Thomas probably sensed it my intension that he ate it so fast the burger was gone before I can even turn on the camera to take a picture! Of course, the fish and chips that I ordered was very tasty too. The cod was very fresh and tender I can almost picture the fish being caught just right by the store and shipped directly into the frying pan. Lastly, the most interesting thing was they used the 港式飲茶的蒸籠來裝食物呢


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