前年在雜誌上讀到一篇關於輕上癮的文章,那時還沒有太放在心上。隨著寫BLOG的習慣養成,我花在網路上瀏覽的時間也增加許多,即使自己沒有啥好寫的,逛逛別人的BLOG也是必定的routine,除此之外,沒事也會去研究一下CSS語法啦(雖然還是不懂)、或是掛一些flash來裝飾自己的網面,網路的四通八達的link,讓我常常超時掛在電腦前,看些有的沒有的文章(當然各位好友的不算在此),睡覺時間到了還留連忘返〈例如現在orz〉。重翻到這篇舊文才發現我這個容易上癮的人,繼電視、PS2後,又中癮啦。不只是我,最近我聽到許多周遭的人,每天閒下來後,都固定會去craig list的website分類廣告上browse,即使他們沒有什麼好買賣的。又或者常常在公車上看到大家沒事就會看看手機,在講完一通電話沒多久,又會忍耐不住,拿出手機撥給別人聊天。看看下文摘要,你也有soft addiction 嗎?
【摘要自Self 雜誌】
If your day vanishes before you can get anything done, don't blame your job. You might have a "soft addiction" that's draining your time and energy. Soft addiction is a seemingly harmless habit-compulsively looking at eBay, forever being over-scheduled, or even mindlessly overeating-that sucks up a lot more of your time than it should.
Soft addiction is junk food for your mind, offering instant gratificaiton but never satisfying your underlying emotional needs for comfort, feeling connected, being in control. "It's a lot easier to indulge in your soft addiction than to deal with your feelings," says Judith Wright, author or "there must be more than this: finding more life, love and meaning by overcoming your soft addictions." In other words, checking your cell pone to see if anyone"needs" you is a quicker fix than figuring out thy you've been feeling so isolated lately.
The most common soft addictions:
chaneel surfing
bogging or checking e-mail
compulsively looking at investments, weather or eBay
Constantly checking your cell phone
reapplying makeup
being sarcastic
To Kick your habit:
set time limts for your additction
don't do it alone
go for what you truely want instead of the quick fix
- Jan 31 Wed 2007 14:12
21世紀的現代病 soft addiction: do you have it?