Today, we had a debate about sexual orientation in the lab. People seem to think whether you are homeosexual or hetrosexual is determined by what gender you are sexually attracted to. But I disagree.
I believe, no matter in marriage or parternership, people ultimately are just looking for companionship. If being with the same sex makes one comfortable and gives one the sense of completion, then by all means one should go for it. It does not have to be sexual. Evidence can be observed in as older couples, who pass their prime reproductive time, enjoy each other's company just fine.
Another heated discussion is about bisexuality. Someone in the lab does not understand why someone's sexual orientation can be so ambiguous as to be "bisexual." But if one takes on Freud's view that sexes are continuum with absolute men or women at the extreme end of the spectrum, then one can see how the labeling of homo-, hetro-, or bisexual is redunant and unnecessary.
This can be explained by biology. One's biological make-up, including anatomy, hormon and brain can be a mixture of both genders. Besides the fact, we all have both female and male hormon flow through the body, a lot of people will never find out they have underdeveloped sexual organs of the opposite sex throughout their entire life. Furthermore, we are all born as female. The boys are induced to become boys at later stage of development. So why should it be surprising some girls act more like a townboy when some boys have femine touch. Ultimately some of us lprefer to be with the same sex sometimes and the opposite sex the other times. From the biological point of view, it is not strange at all.
At the end, I can only say people should just concentrate on making their own relationship work, instead of judging others.
- Mar 08 Thu 2007 10:01