警方證實槍手是一名韓裔學生,州長在追思會中提醒大家不要因此而有種族岐視,而讓情況更加緊張。只想祝福在美國或海外求學的朋友們,小心行事,and I am glad that you are okay.

以下為摘要,原文出處: BBC News Virginia killings review pledged
Gov Kaine warned against making snap judgements, saying he had "nothing but loathing" for those who took the tragedy and "make it their political hobby horse to ride".

4/16 的震撼新聞是一名學生在校園掃射了32名學生,是既1999年的columbine高中射殺13人後,再創歷史上悲劇的新高。警方還在偵查動機,可是看了這個新聞真的覺得很震驚、不可思義。以前我們台灣念書的時候,學生最多是有自殺傾向,從來沒有聽過這種大規模的把別人一起拖下地獄的事件,也許跟美國可以自由擁有槍枝及容易得到槍枝的民情有關吧,許多學校的門口也因此有金屬探測器,這樣去上學不是很恐怖嗎?在地球溫室效應日驅嚴重的當下,人類反而更用力的在各地互相殘殺,也許這就是所謂的human nature...

以下為摘要,原文出處: BBC News

Survivors of the worst shooting rampage in US history have criticised authorities for waiting too long to alert people a gunman was on the loose.

The rampage at Virginia Tech university killed 33 including a suspected gunman.There were two hours between the two separate attacks, the second of which saw 31 deaths, and students have asked why the campus was not locked down.University officials defended their actions, saying they could not have foreseen the second incident.President George W Bush said the US was "shocked and saddened" by the attack at the university in the town of Blacksburg, home to 26,000 students.

Motive unclear
Many unanswered questions remain about the attacks.Police have still not said for sure that the two attacks were linked. They have confirmed that two handguns were recovered....


BBC In pictures

The BBC News website charts the history of gun violence in US schools.

CNN witness survives by pretending to be dead




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