At the end of 2005, we decided to go to Mt baker for a snowboarding trip. One is because the local moutains in vancouver has almost no snow because of the non-stop raining for the past two weeks. The other is because Mt. baker is quite close to the Canadian boarder and it is famous for its deep snow powder for skiiers. So this xmas holiday, we finally went somewhere for a little holiday ^_^ (of course going to Disney land in Florida is much better 
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Been trying to buy Xmas presents the past couple days. My god! There are people swarming everywhere! No wonder people say the Xmas holiday is a stressful time. First, cars are jamed up on the road just to get into the parking lot of the mall. Then if one is lucky to find a parking spot within 15 minutes before the circling around to look for one spot drives one insane and causes accident.
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來到國外 除了朋友以外 最懷念的就是台灣的美食了 其中尤其是湯麵 老外吃的麵類只局限於 Pasta. 但是我特愛喝湯麵的美味湯汁 尤其在冷呼呼的Vancouver 來碗熱騰騰的道地台灣牛肉麵 真的是一種天上人間難得的享受
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Mom and Dad went to West Vancouver to see some creative outdoor Xmas trees decoration. I, on the other hand, am so busy working to make up my time off lately that I have not gotten a chance to go out and feel the festive atmosphere at all. Not until, I saw these pictures that I realize how close Xmas is upon us and I have yet to purchase presents! And Cheryl’s nicely customeized cards remind me that I really have to start writing cards for my dear friends too! (懺悔中...) So please forgive me if you don’t get the greetings on time (most likely will happen...) Nontheless, it’s the thoughts that count right? ^_*
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For everyone who is working in the office or the lab and had to deal with office politics! (espicially, 頭)
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Holiday is approaching along with the dipping temperature. Atmosphere is getting merrier. Although it is fun to window shop at the Xmas special, bumping crowd elbows to elbows especially on weekend, is not so enjoyable. However, it is still nice that December is here ^__^ Wish everybody have a merry time too!
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Attention! IF you plan to watch the movie and have not done so yet, don’t read this. There might be some spoilers in the article.
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" 天氣冷起不了床的冬天 呼噓. 沒有熱水 呃啊~ 我醒了我醒了"
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