Finally, Mom and I fulfill our dream to dine at Tojo’s last thursday.
- Nov 14 Mon 2005 14:26
【中式餐廳】 The best Sushi I ever tasted!!! <<Tojo’s>>
- Oct 25 Tue 2005 14:38
【台灣餐廳】 終於找到涮涮鍋嘞 真開心~
Last Saturday,Tom and I finally found the legendary 珍珠小火鍋
自從去年在台灣 在小朋友家附近 獻出我的第一次 我就 fall in love with 涮涮鍋
- Oct 19 Wed 2005 15:53
【影展】我看國際影展: Citizen Dog

Last Friday was the last day of Vancouver international film festival. A coworker gave me two free tickets for any movie at the festival. Because of time factor, we chose the very last movie, Citizen Dog. It’s a movie made in Thailand.
整部電影得色彩鮮艷得很不真實 更加突顯
- Oct 13 Thu 2005 01:29

最近整理照片 看到這一張照片 It reminds me of some good times we had together since we were in high school also when we were on several trips.
It was taken last year when I went back to Taiwan for the presedential election. Days after casting the vote, Jill and his brother invited me to go to their company field trip to the eastern of Taiwan. It was a great fun. This picture was taken by Jill’s brother before we were preparing to pose for the camera. We were so relaxed there on top of 太平山 in the mystic cloud. Jill’s brother took this shot without we actually noticed it. It was quite a natural and magical moment, is not it? ^__^
- Oct 12 Wed 2005 13:00
Algonquin National Park:球爸球媽篇
- Sep 21 Wed 2005 14:34
【咖啡茶點】 A must go: Cafe Artigiano
I have finally found of excellent standard, and authentically Italian coffee in Vancouver, Cafe Artigiano.
Ever since Kid and I came back from our tour to Italy in 2002, I fell in love with European style of coffee. This love further evolves into passion for seeking European coffee after I tried Spainish coffee. Because American Latte emphasizes in more milk than European in espresso, I was not used to the strong coffee taste when we first tried Latte Macchiato (=cafe latte in Starbucks) in Millano, Italy. However, as days went by, a cup a day, I grew accostumed to appreciate the aroma of pure coffee beans due to less flavor masking from milk. I have not drank coffee from Starbucks ever since.
- Aug 24 Wed 2005 12:54
- Aug 21 Sun 2005 13:14
Jazz Queens
- Aug 02 Tue 2005 21:04
[Summer special] Celebration of Light

Although half of summer has passed already, it feels like it just started in Vancouver mostly because the weather was very gloomy for a good two months in the beginning. Besides the gorgeous outdoor, Vancouver has many events to offer every summer.One of the must see is Celebration of light.