I have just read about this in Taiwan's newspaper recently about the usage of "orz" in the university entrance test. Like "lol", I don't understand what it means. So I look it up online for a explaination. It turns out to be very funny. I have adopted this article from the website " 能量魔法" for a laugh. ^_^
Picture is from "paper craft of Orz"
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Yesterday, we canadians, voted and it was decided that Conservatives party will be the minority government.
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I still remember when we were in the badminton team in grade 11 in high school, representing our class to compete in our year. Lots of people thought it was too much hard work outside of studying time and did not want to do it. But we were happy to jump head-in on the oppurtunity at the first minute we heard about it.
It was the pure love for the sport and team spirit that motivated us. There were times, we had to give up lunch and nap time . Hack , I still remember vividly when we had to practice with our captain early in the morning. While one of us sneaking at the side of the court trying to stuff a mounthful of egg rolls before she caught us eating breakfast at 7am. Outsiders thought it was lot of hard work. Personally, I quite enjoyed practicing badminton lots. Not only because of the perks not to participate some boring duties (eg.班會,)also the fact we got to choose what we really loved to do outside of textbooks. I think that was the only time I played the best in my life. The practice and bonding experience , I guess in a way ,was like Brokeback Mountain. It was an awesome, unique and unforgetable experience that formed the foundation of our friendship.
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自從老媽在去年底的 garage sale 買到 scrable 後
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從以前讀國中的時候 我的頭髮就連老師都有意見
有一次歷史老師在教室外 很語重心長的跟我說:
"sherry 雖然顧好成績是優先的 但是你的頭髮要梳也很重要"
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Brokeback mountain 連奪多像金球獎:最佳影片 最佳導演 最佳劇本 最佳主題曲
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是他的措號 好像是當初認識他的時候取的 因為他為人很有古人的做風 (就是絕種的固執老好人那一種)
我們是1997唸college的同學 那時跟另外一個女生我們是physic lab的三劍客 常常一起敢報告一起在考試前唸書 偶爾也會一起打打球(不是我啦)
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Every year I will make a list of new year resolutions, but truth to be told, not only I can't remember what half of them are toward summer, I usually can not stick to them 
This year, by writing on the blog, hopefully the pressure from the public (you guys ) perhaps can force me to stick to it.
Anyway, here it goes:
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剛搬家到這裡 有許多blog 功能還在摸索
新手上路 請不吝指教 ^_^
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Brokeback moutain is easily the best movie I have seen this year. (sorry Harry potter, you will be the second best in my heart now...)
I don't want to spoil the fun for anyone who wants to see the movie later. So I will just briefly mention the story without going into great detail. It's about two cowboys attending sheeps during one summer as their job. Up on the Brokeback mountain, two strangers opened themselves up to each other and however unwilling to admit it, they fell in love to each other. At the end of the summer, they had no choice but to go their separate way to their own lives. It's not until some years later, they found each other again and realized what they had that one summer was amazing bond. Back then homosexuality was even less accepted, so they had to suppress their feelings toward each other and can only met once in a while.
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