After the visit back to Taiwan in first year, I tried to explain my experience to my mom's friend.
She smiled understandingly and summed up in these three sentences:
- Feb 13 Mon 2006 14:50
FW: 張妙如西雅圖妙聞:台灣好好玩
- Feb 13 Mon 2006 09:26
【美味?點心】久等了~ Tiramisu
搞半天 tiramisu 的 recipe 還沒打 不好意思 o^-^0
6 eggs
- Feb 10 Fri 2006 07:52
FW:"Home" by Michael Buble

Although Michael Buble did not win the grammy, his voice and music are at least recognized by the mere nomination. Because Cheryl's message, I actually went to buy the whole album "It's time." And I must say she is right! Every song is very soothing. Besides the song "Home" that I love so much, some of other songs remind me of those 70's Jazz scenes in Movies. The duet with Nelly Furtado "Quando, Quando, Quando (tell me when)" is voice matched in Heavan. Also worth a listen.
FW: from my old blog entry
- Feb 07 Tue 2006 11:29
【美味?點心】好東西要與好朋友分享: Orange Raisin Scones
豆子粉賢慧哩 這麼會做菜
每次看到你post 的照片都會很想飛過去嘗
- Feb 05 Sun 2006 08:49
誠徵"伴遊": traveling in June, anyone?
- Feb 03 Fri 2006 10:56

Another heart warming card+gift from a dear old friend. Could this signal a better start for year of the dog? (to be continued...)
- Jan 31 Tue 2006 08:14
恭喜發財: 新年新希望
- Jan 27 Fri 2006 11:40
【西式餐廳】口水直留的 Vancouver Dine out: Quattro on Fourth
(Appitizer: Rucola e Carciofi braised Italian artichoke hearts stuffed with mozzarella, served with cherry tomatoes, local arugula and tossed with a herb succo)
- Jan 26 Thu 2006 00:23
Poem on the bus~
"...with all the kelps on this beach,
knotted together,
...still does not equal to the length of my loneliness.