
目前分類:[Daily]不吐不快 (81)

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上星期六是台加的募款晚會 雖然頭提供的一些資料沒有用到
有一點可惜 但是這次由球爸協辦的晚會 是我最喜歡的一次
由幾乎坐不虛席的場地看來 觀眾也同意吧

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Yesterday, I came back home from a babyshower. Mimi was sitting on the dinning room chair. I tried to be friendly and to hug him. While I put my hand under him to pick him up, all of sudden, he went bizzaric and kicked my hand off with his hind legs. Some of you know, we only declawed his front two legs and kept his hind legs with long sharp nails for his own defense.

The result is what you see in the picture. I have been scrathed by MiMi all the time for the past 10 years, but this one is the worst one yet. The blood came out so fast for a good 10 minutes. The cut is so long and deeper than any wounds I have ever sustained before. It hurt like hell with buring sensation. We were debating if I should go to hospital emergency for stitches. However, knowing the infamous waiting time here, we decided to wait it out. Thomas found this first aid book stating that applying butterfly bandages (as seen in the picture) worked like stitches to bring wound close together to faciliate the healing. Hence,the monsterous looking hand in the picture >.<

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Last sunday was the closing ceremony of the 2006 winter olympic at Turino, Italy.Like I mentioned before, because Vancouver is the next host city for 2010, everyone in Vancouver paid close attention toward this year's game.

 Also, because team Canada had a record-breaking medal counts, 24 , that  every day we cheered for the ever  increasing numbers on the count down chart. At the end, Canada has 24 medals and ranked number 3, like the Canadian Olympic Commttee boldly predicted at the beginning of the game. Before people found the goal unrealistic after our disappointing performance at 2004 summer olympics. Now everyone feels confident that we can compete with the rest of the world, especially America when the games come to Canada.

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DAY 752 – My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat dry cereal. The only thing that keeps me going is the hope of escape, and the mild satisfaction I get from ruining the occasional piece of furniture. Tomorrow I may eat another houseplant.

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This year, people in the lab have become addicted to watching the winter olympic game at Italy. Maybe because we, Vancouverites, will be hosting the game in turn at 2010. However, like my coworker Ivan said, watching the athletes competed and earned the medals are truely inspiring.

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在 search 上一篇文章 看到這個有趣的活動 就幫忙宣傳一下

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BBC, a highly watched, objective international news statition had an interview with 馬英九 (Mr. Ma) a while ago and I just finished watching it on TV. During the entire hour that I saw, I have to say not only he embarrased himself by making non-sensical statements that contracdicted himself but also he mispresented the people of Taiwan by putting words in our mouthes.

Of the things he said that I find absolutely rediculous are the following:

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After the visit back to Taiwan in first year, I tried to explain my experience to my mom's friend.
She smiled understandingly and summed up in these three sentences:

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那個誰跟誰 還沒收到xmas card 請不要懷疑郵局伯伯
其實是我張羅禮物 托了很久 orz (懺悔中)

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雖然 2006 已經過了一個月 但是 從小的習慣 就是要過了農曆年才會有新開始的覺醒

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"...with all the kelps on this beach,
knotted together,
...still does not equal to the length of my loneliness.

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Yesterday, we canadians, voted and it was decided that Conservatives party will be the minority government.

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自從老媽在去年底的 garage sale 買到 scrable 後

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從以前讀國中的時候 我的頭髮就連老師都有意見
有一次歷史老師在教室外 很語重心長的跟我說:
"sherry 雖然顧好成績是優先的 但是你的頭髮要梳也很重要"

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Every year I will make a list of new year resolutions, but truth to be told, not only I can't remember what half of them are toward summer, I usually can not stick to them

This year, by writing on the blog, hopefully the pressure from the public (you guys ) perhaps can force me to stick to it. Anyway, here it goes:

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剛搬家到這裡 有許多blog 功能還在摸索
新手上路 請不吝指教 ^_^

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At the end of 2005, we decided to go to Mt baker for a snowboarding trip. One is because the local moutains in vancouver has almost no snow because of the non-stop raining for the past two weeks. The other is because Mt. baker is quite close to the Canadian boarder and it is famous for its deep snow powder for skiiers. So this xmas holiday, we finally went somewhere for a little holiday ^_^ (of course going to Disney land in Florida is much better

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For everyone who is working in the office or the lab and had to deal with office politics! (espicially, 頭)

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