發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2006-05-10 終於安排好初步的行程了救人阿~ (69) (3)
2006-05-09 第一次被老外搭訕的小花癡 (326) (2)
2006-05-07 終於上完課了之秘密揭曉 (63) (5)
2006-05-03 心靈的嘶吼: you are not the boss of me now! (161) (0)
2006-04-29 星期五下午的音樂 (99) (2)
2006-04-24 我的麻豆男友: 秘密課程之一 (292) (0)
2006-04-21 First ever Easter Dinner (174) (0)
2006-04-20 從小五用到現在的元老級釘書機 (72) (3)
2006-04-16 聽雨軒? (391) (1)
2006-04-14 Final dates on the trip to the 欲望城市 (99) (7)
2006-04-11 準備落跑的房子 (92) (0)
2006-04-11 遲到的"蛋白質女孩" (260) (1)
2006-04-10 一眠大一寸: Life is hard, then you nap. (63) (5)
2006-04-08 【觀後感】MTV:東西的文化差異 (170) (0)
2006-04-06 終於完成的生日禮物 (167) (7)
2006-04-04 櫻花的洗禮 (4102) (2)
2006-03-31 孔子沒說謊: 有朋自遠方來 真的是不亦樂乎 (200) (2)
2006-03-31 【電影】Good night, Good Luck! (151) (0)
2006-03-30 【影音分享】Friends 的歌詞 真的很貼切的形容我的感動 (200) (4)
2006-03-30 原來調戲咪咪可以促進心理健康ㄚ (70) (0)
2006-03-27 【日本餐廳】新發現: kitto sushi (215) (0)
2006-03-24 我猜 我猜 我猜猜猜~ (60) (7)
2006-03-21 思春:又到了每年的這個時候了 (136) (0)
2006-03-20 【介紹】故鄉的味道 (228) (5)
2006-03-16 超讚的vancouver public library (204) (3)
2006-03-16 FW:Newfie Virus_Darn it's still on the net (51) (0)
2006-03-14 Step 1 for the trip: travel journal (155) (14)
2006-03-10 三月的雪在vancoouver:現在是要來場過時的冬季戀歌ㄏㄡ? (38) (3)
2006-03-10 My precious~ 半步不離我的筆電 (80) (0)
2006-03-08 球媽粉墨登場: 2006 TCCS fundraising night (81) (4)
2006-03-07 自作自受: MIMI's Crazy doing~ouch! (132) (7)
2006-02-28 THE GAMES ARE COMING! 2010 winter olmpics (116) (0)
2006-02-28 偃旗息鼓 (58) (8)
2006-02-24 S.A.D = Seasonal Affected Depression (季節憂鬱症) (119) (0)
2006-02-24 FW: Just for a laugh-Cat's diary (60) (3)
2006-02-23 Go Team Canada, Go! (42) (0)
2006-02-22 FW:228全球接力秀台灣,邀請你的參與 (54) (0)
2006-02-22 BBC's interview with the non-sensical politician : 馬英九 (73) (6)
2006-02-17 【西式餐廳】Salmon House: Delicious food is only the side dish to the amazing scenary (250) (3)
2006-02-17 Distraction: 上班的打屁準則? (83) (5)
2006-02-13 FW: 張妙如西雅圖妙聞:台灣好好玩 (689) (4)
2006-02-13 【美味?點心】久等了~ Tiramisu (184) (2)
2006-02-10 小小 的告解~ (71) (6)
2006-02-10 FW:"Home" by Michael Buble (154) (2)
2006-02-07 【美味?點心】好東西要與好朋友分享: Orange Raisin Scones (144) (0)
2006-02-05 誠徵"伴遊": traveling in June, anyone? (137) (15)
2006-02-03 快樂的開始是美好一年的一半 (147) (0)
2006-01-31 恭喜發財: 新年新希望 (74) (6)
2006-01-27 【西式餐廳】口水直留的 Vancouver Dine out: Quattro on Fourth (204) (1)
2006-01-26 Poem on the bus~ (60) (0)